
Essential Oils, Lavender Scents and Aromatherapy

Essential Oils, Lavender Scents and Aromatherapy

Essential Oils, Lavender Scents and Aromatherapy

Among the numerous essential oils, lavender oil has continued to be one of the most popular scents in the market. Perhaps the reason behind this is the fact that it doesn’t only have a good aroma, but it can also bring about countless benefits to the body. Aside from this, lavender essential oil can also be used at home for a variety of reasons.

The Benefits of Lavender Essential Oil

The most common health benefit of lavender essential oil known by men is its ability to eliminate nervous tension. Famous spas all over the world utilize the aroma of lavender oil plus the help of an electric essential oil diffuser in order to give off an easy and breezy feel whenever a client comes in. Aside from this, lavender oil is also known to alleviate pain,enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems. But did you know that a lavender essential oil can also be a good disinfectant for the scalp and skin too? This explains the origin of the name lavender which is taken from the Latin word Lavare, which means “to wash”.  It washes off dirt and bacteria in the scalp in order to produce a cleaner feel on the head.

More About Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is mainly extracted from the flowers and stems of the lavender plant. The extraction can be done through the help of a steam distillation process. The flowers of a lavender plant are sweet-scented in nature and they are more popularly known since dried lavenders are used as potpourri for decades. During the ancient times, lavender essential oil was widely used in making perfumes. Also, lavenders were utilized as ornaments in front of homes as well as decorations in special occasions such as weddings and solemn ceremonies.

Now, lavender essential oil is an important element in the aromatherapy world and a lot of aromatic preparations and combinations are made using it. The best thing about lavender oil is the fact that it can blend well with many other essential oils. Some of these essential oils include cedar wood, pine, sage, geranium and nutmeg. No wonder that a lot of products in the market sold today have lavender essential oils on them. These products are gels, creams, lotions, and soaps.

You might be wondering where to get essential oils, specifically lavender, that could suit your taste. this essential oil can be easily bought in supermarkets at a very reasonable price. Sometimes when they are on sale, you can buy two for one which is already a good find. You can also buy them on your favorite local spas since almost a lot of them use this item as a part of their treatments.

Smiley Daisy is a trusted brand offering high quality essential oil diffusers for home and commercial use. It is an excellent companion for health, stress relief and relaxation.