
How Important is our Sense of Smell?

How Important is Our Sense of Smell?

sense of smell articleWhenever I go out of my house, I make sure that I am at my most presentable state. My physical appearance should be likened to that of a pristine white table cloth; neat, clean, crisp and smelling like soap and water. I learned that smelling good is a plus in any situation. But of course, smelling good has prerequisites. You would have to step under the shower and soap (plus scrub) yourself to infinity if you want to smell (and feel) clean.

I am a little obsessive-compulsive, and I think that smelling good should come together with being clean. In my case, it’s really important to smell good because (aside from attracting the opposite sex) it will give you a healthier outlook. After all, the sense of smell affects us greatly because it is considered one of the most powerful among our senses. A lot of us might think that we can go on living without our sense of smell. Well, we actually can, however we cannot really enjoy the perks of having an active sense of smell.

Most of us don’t really look into the importance of our sense of smell and how it affects our everyday life. As a person that has a sharp sense of smell, I strongly say that our sense of smell is important. It allows us to distinguish different kinds of food from one another. It goes hand in hand with our sense of taste and both of them process things in a chemical sense. Our sense of smell uses our physical body (our nose specifically) to identify chemicals in our
environment. Our sense of smell travels quickly into our body, making it feasible for us to put our trust in aromatherapy.

This might be cheesy, but our sense of smell makes us remember people, places, things and even events. We make good memories by using our sense of smell other than just using our sense of sight and sense of touch. Our emotions too, are greatly affected by our sense of smell. Notice that when we feel happy, we detect more vivid and citrusy odors. And on the other hand, when we smell something putrid or toxic, we automatically feel a little negativity. In my case, I’d like to say that smelling pleasant things became my mood stabilizer. Whenever I feel sad and blue, I look to smelling something with a floral or a musky tone.

Furthermore, aside from all the chemical and scientific explanations on why the sense of smell is important; there is actually one funny yet true anecdote about this. They say that you can find your ideal mate if you are comfortable with his or her scent. It actually applies to me, that’s why I really find my sense of smell important. How about you?