
A 100 Dollar New Car Scent Air Freshener, Is It For You?

A 100 Dollar New Car Scent Air Freshener, Is It For You?

A 100 Dollar New Car Scent Air Freshener, Is It For You?

A new car scent air freshener would be a great way to give your car, old or not, a refreshing new vibe. But if this car accessory will cost you a hundred bucks, will it be worth it?

Effective Car Air Fresheners

Car air fresheners abound no matter where you look. Online shops, groceries and malls have shelves over shelves full of different varieties of these plasant smelling accessories. Some come in tiny air vent clip on lockets, some are hanging cardboards, while others are sweet smelling gels in cans. There is even a hello kitty car air freshener! These are just some varieties of air fresheners today. There are many other types available wherever you look.

And if you are in search of the perfect aromatic addition to your ride, bear in mind these tips.

Hanging Cardboards – most common, doesn’t last very long.

Can Style – gel based scent inside cans with holes on top, can also be used in homes and offices.

Oil Wicks – wicks inserted in fragrance oils and clipped onto air vents, best choice for large vehicles.

Aerosol Sprays – spray type air freshener, good for quick fixes.

New Release Air Fresheners

Air fresheners come in many different smells, some even mimic that of a new car because many people prefer this kind of scent. However, health experts are against this type because it also copies the harmful chemicals of new car smell air freshener.

Because many are aware of the negative effects of air fresheners, new ways to freshen up your vehicles are developed. One of the healthier alternatives to the air fresheners are the essential oil diffusers. It has so many benefits aside from making your car smell good. Some of these include:

Elevates mood

Improves health and keeps sickness at bay

Makes breathing easier

Relieves pain

Improves mental function

Natural bug repellant

With these benefits, it is not surprising why essential oil car diffusers are more expensive than your usual air fresheners. But a 100 dollar car diffuser? Isn’t that a bit too much?

Even if it does give off a better scent than your average diffuser, the difference in price is still questionable.

Granted, if you have money, it’s your choice where you spend it. But if you only have enough, Smiley Daisy’s essential oil car diffusers can give you the same benefits plus your choice of scents. Learn more about these car accessories that customers claim aren’t overpowering like others and are good for the health. Check them out now.