
Combat Flu and Colds with Essential Oils

Combat Flu and Colds with Essential Oils

Combat Flu and Colds with Essential Oils

The holiday season is also a season of cold weather and a lot of respiratory disease. During the winter months, our skin becomes dry and or sinuses become a lot more irritable, leading to a lot of cases of flu and colds.

The reason why you are actually reading this is because you believe in the power of aromatherapy and essential oils, right? And you know what? Winter colds and flu can be minimized and eradicated by the proper use of specific essential oils. Simply put, using anti-viral essential oils properly can help minimize your exposure to the flu virus. However, using essential oils is not always a guarantee of preventing you of having the flu bug.

When you are plagued by the flu; diffuse essential oils that are anti-viral or antibacterial like eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, tea tree, lavender or juniper. Doing so can rid your surroundings of harmful microbes that can make you sick. You can also use these essential oils as natural surface sprays as opposed to over-the-counter surface sanitizers. Aside from being all natural, essential oil sprays are very customizable. Remember not to use surface sprays where there are babies, pets, and open beverages and food that can be damaged.

When you have a terrible cough during the winter season, you can concoct your own chest rub that contains decongestant essential oils such as cypress, eucalyptus, frankincense, oregano, peppermint, rosemary, thyme, and tea tree.

Essential oil inhalers are also good for using during the rough winter times. Just make sure to use either antibacterial or decongestant essential oils stated above.

Generally, for you to minimize having flu or colds, avoid going out in public (just for the winter season) because you might catch allergens from surroundings that are congested with people. Also minimize touching surfaces of public restrooms or public buildings. Always steer clear of sick people and better yet, wear a disposable face mask when you go out.