
Different Essential Oil Perfume Scents and Their Effects on the Body

Different Essential Oil Perfume Scents and Their Effects on the Body

Different Essential Oil Perfume Scents and Their Effects on the Body

Essential oils have been a very popular thing way back the ancient times until today. Having one at home helps in treating common aches associated with the stomach, muscles and the head. It also sets a good aroma in place. Aside from this, essential oils are also ideal in restoring one’s senses through smell. A large percentile of spas all over the world utilize the powerful element of essential oil in every treatment they offer. This article will tackle some of the most popular essential oil perfume scents sold in the market. It is vital that you know the background of these essential oils, where to buy them and what benefits you can get from them.

3 Most Common Essential Oils and Their Benefits

  • Peppermint essential oil. One of the most popular essential oil choices is peppermint oil. This oil is very much common especially to students and employees since this could help alert the mind when studying or working during the wee hours of the night. Supermarkets would usually experience running out of stock of peppermint essential oil because students utilize this scent for studying purposes.

When it comes to sports, basketball players who take time to smell peppermint oil before a game have been discovered to have a better energy and performance in the court. Famous spas would also utilize this as their potent element in massage. Peppermint, eucalyptus and alcohol when combined together can help lessen post-workout muscle cramps and sprains.

  • Lavender essential oil. The next popular essential oil is lavender. This kind of oil helps you to sleep better. Recent studies show that lavender increases brain alpha waves related to relaxation and deep sleep. People who have insomnia would mostly benefit from this type of scent as it aids in sleeping.

The aroma of lavender oils can also lessen PMS symptoms and reduce pain and inflammation. Girls suffering from menstrual cramps can utilize few drops of lavender and sweet almond oil plus an equal amount of rose oil to apply in the abdomen for lessening the intensity of menstrual cramps. These essential oils for sale can be bought at a very reasonable price and are not as pricey as you think.

  • Grapefruit essential oil. Grapefruit oil is not as popular as peppermint and lavender but is known for its one of a kind help when reducing appetite. A person who attempts in getting a slimmer and healthier body can benefit from this essential oil. A recent study of rats as published in the journal Neuroscience Letters, found that inhaling grapefruit essential oil can inhibit a gastric nerve, thus, blunting the sensation of hunger.


Essential oils – where to buy: These oils are commonly available in aromatherapy shops and perfume stores. Essential oils are also widely available in stores offering diffusers for both residential and recreational use.

Smiley Daisy offers high-quality essential oil diffusers for different types of settings. Made with high-quality materials, the company offers best options for individuals to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy.