
Essential Oils For Menopause

Essential Oils For Menopause

Essential Oils For Menopause

Going through hormonal changes can be extremely difficult for women no matter what stage of life they find themselves in. Bursts of hormones for women will happen during puberty as well as pregnancy, and then during the cycle of menopause a woman’s hormonal production will begin to dwindle. The frustrating and irritating symptoms of menopause can last for years or even a decade before a woman is finally through it.

Although there are some prescription medications that women can take for hormone replacement, there are some other methods of dealing with menopause in a much more natural way. One of the best ways to handle menopause gracefully and in a natural way is to make use of the best essential oils for menopause.

Typical Symptoms of Menopause

During the beginning phases of menopause, a woman’s periods may become different than they’ve ever been. They may become shorter in length, but the hormonal changes may also cause them to be heavier and very uncomfortable at times.

As the hormones in the woman’s body become less balanced, she may experience:

  • sudden flashes of heat
  • night sweats
  • problems with holding her bladder
  • vaginal dryness
  • skin dryness and loss of elasticity
  • headaches
  • heart palpitations
  • fatigue

And various other emotional and physical concerns that can create real impediments to regular life.

While some essential oils are known to be able to help with re-balancing the hormones to fight the causes of these irritations, others may help alleviate the symptoms during the time that these inevitable changes in the body are happening. Treating menopause naturally is the most preferable way to address these symptoms.

Of course, essential oils may be very strong so it is necessary to check with your doctor prior to using them, just to be sure that they will not affect other medical treatments adversely.

How to Use Essential Oils for Menopause

The most typical forms of using essential oils for menopause is either by applying them topically or diffusing them into the air as aromatherapy. Topical application typically requires adding a few drops or a blend of your preferred high-quality essential oils to a carrier oil in order to apply it to the skin and allow the body to absorb it.

A carrier oil is simply a light weight, fairly benign oil that is used to allow the spreading of the oil over the body in an easy way. Another sort of “topical” application is created by adding a few drops of essential oils to a warm, soothing bath and soaking in it.

Aromatherapy allows the body to absorb the essential oils through breathing them in and smelling them in the air. This is achieved by diffusing the scents into the air through a few optional methods. The most effective method is a cool air electric diffuser, but other methods may be used as well, such as through heat or by soaking diffuser sticks in the oils.