
How To Use Essential Oils Car Air Fresheners In The Car To Make Journeys So Much Better (& Safer)

How To Use Essential Oils Car Air Fresheners In The Car To Make Journeys So Much Better (& Safer)

How To Use Essential Oils Car Air Fresheners In The Car To Make Journeys So Much Better

Love the smell of your essential oil car air fresheners? Ever wonder why the distinct scent itself keeps you calm, relax and mentally alert? Many studies have proven that the secret lies in the scent itself. Varying scents do have a psychological effect on us since we have subconsciously associated each scent with emotional experiences. Using the right essential oil while traveling in your car can alter your mood and state of mind in a very good way. Take long journeys and traffic during peak hours as examples. Driving by itself is a tiresome activity while bad traffic encounters are known to increase irritation and agitation leading to a very foul mood. Road rage is indeed real.

Essential Oil Versus Car Perfumes

The essential oil car scents air freshener makes you happier and at peace making every car trip enjoyable and safer. Essential oil is a more natural and better alternative to those very strong scented and expensive car perfumes that are being sold right now. Those car perfumes do smell good but are composed of chemicals that may cause dizziness and can trigger allergy symptoms. You definitely don’t want that while you are driving. Essential oil is also more affordable and can save you costs since they can be used continuously by merely replacing the cheap refill pads. They also have a wide variety of scents that you can choose from.

One Scent To Rule Them All

Choosing the right essential oil is not as simple as you may think. There are several diffuser designs and product models to choose from like the ones shown. After selecting the one that you like for your car you also need the scent that is perfect for you. Selecting the right fragrance helps a lot and can even represent your character and personality. Eucalyptus cleanses the air and is good for covering any foul odors same with Lemongrass, Lemon for that invigorating mood, Peppermint, Rosemary and Grapefruit for boosting mental alertness and concentration, Cinnamon, Coffee, Ginger and Orange for the energy and prevention of carsickness, Mandarin for sedative-like calming effect, and finally Basil for mind stimulation and reduction of mental fatigue.

Essential Oil To Avoid

Not all fragrances are good and some may even cause adverse effects on you. Stay away from floral scents known for soporific or sleep-inducing effects. Even though they also smell good they also have negative effects that can be dangerous when you are driving. Both Lavender and Chamomile might be too soothing for you and although either one does reduce anxiety, they may also make you drowsy. Some can make you extremely relaxed like Geranium, Cedarwood, Bergamot and Marjoram. Overly aggressive scents can also be too much and may result in making you being more active than normal and reckless.

Making Use of Essential Oil Diffusers

Using car diffuser essential oil is quite easy. Just 2 or 3 drops of concentrated essential oil on the pad and you are good to go. Some diffusers are also humidifiers that can be connected to your car’s charging port. Others are simply attached near the air ventilation and allow airflow to do the work. The diffuser can also be placed on the dashboard allowing the heat to dissipate the oil instead. Now that you know about essential oil, the benefits of natural scent and aromatherapy, what scents to avoid and the essential oil diffuser, you will have a better idea of which scent is perfect for your car.

Still wondering about the benefits of essential oil and what else they are good for? Please visit Smiley Daisy where you can find more products that combats stress, raise your spirits and improve your healthy lifestyle.