
New Car Smell Air Freshener: Is it Really Dangerous to Your Health?

New Car Smell Air Freshener: Is it Really Dangerous to Your Health?

New Car Smell Air Freshener: Is it Really Dangerous to Your Health?

Having a new car brings a feeling of ecstasy. Even just the new car smell air freshener in your old vehicle can bring the same kind of feeling. But did you know there is something dark hiding behind this wonderful smell?

Experts believe that the new car smell that many people love is quite toxic and dangerous to your health. And they have proof of it, too.

The Danger Behind New Car Smell

Many people just love the smell of a new car. Some even go to lengths of finding a car air freshener that smells just like new cars. But why is this scent associated with such high emotions, though?

The feeling that people get when they have a car that smells new is believed to be because of its connection to the luxury that comes from purchasing a new ride. And indeed, it does produce the same kind of feeling.

But what people who are in love with this scent should know is that the new car smell is actually harmful to the human body.

  • According to microbial investigator Robert Weitz, the new car scent is made up of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOCs are released from the materials that make up the interior of cars. And they are very harmful, especially in confined spaces.
  • Many VOCs are actually carcinogens, substances that cause cancer. When humans are affected by these, they may produce symptoms like headaches, joint, and muscle pain as well as different respiratory effects.
  • There are over 200 chemical compounds found in cars, and these include benzene, toluene, formaldehyde, and other heavy metals. Continued exposure to these chemicals can lead to liver damage, reproductive disorders, and hormonal issues.

While many car companies are doing something to lessen the harmful impact of new cars to our health, there is still so much to be done.

But since people cannot avoid having vehicles, it is best to avoid inhaling the toxins released from new cars and to keep the windows open as much as possible. And when it comes to an air freshener car, something more beneficial than artificial air fresheners are available in the form of diffusers and essential oils.

Essential oils are natural and provide so many therapeutic effects on the body and mind, plus they smell great. So what else will you be looking for in an air freshener?

Find out more about car aromatherapy, essential oils and car diffusers at Smiley Daisy now. You can avoid the harmful effects of new car air fresheners and also make your car smell its greatest.

Check out Smiley Daisy now.