
New Car Smell Air Freshener

New Car Smell Air Freshener

New Car Smell Air Freshener

New Car Scent
Have you ever bought a new car?; have you ever bought an air freshener?; how about a new car air freshener?  Yes, a car air freshener new car scent!  We all love the smell of a new car, now you can buy a car air freshener with the scent of a new car. Smiley Daisy have just released a range of diffuser oil car air fresheners.

Smell and Memory
Why do we love the smell of a new car? Or the smell of freshly ground coffee? Newly baked bread? Since time began, man has been associating smells with memories, smell is considered by many to be the most evocative of our five senses, due to its ability to enable us to recall events just based on a particular smell. Not all smells, or odours, are pleasant of course, and not all memories are positive, but there can be no doubt our sense of smell has a strong effect on not just our noses but on our minds too.

Scientific Reasons
Let’s think about why smells might be able to stir up long forgotten memories. From a scientific point of view, there is some connection between the part of the brain connected with new car smell air freshener, the olfactory bulb which is in itself part of the body’s limbic system. Now, our body’s limbic system is part of the emotional centre of the brain and thus can easily affect the amygdala, which influences our emotional responses. So, you can see there is perfectly sound and valid scientific reasons why smell can remind us of the past.

Nostalgia and Emotion 
According to experts, we tend not to use our emotional memory too much, instead we tend to focus on trying to remember details and things. We don’t even have to identify the smell to make some connection, it’s an automatic response from our brain to connect the smell with the recollection. And when we make the connection, not only can it be very strong, but it tends to be nostalgic and emotional rather than concrete or detailed. This might be explained by the fact that as primates, we tend to prioritize sight as the most important sense, hence the memories evoked by smell may be less reliable. This makes perfect sense when you think about it, people who are blind are almost certainly better able to make reliable connections with smell and memory because they cannot depend on sight to aid their memory.

So, the next time you get a whiff of apple pie and immediately think back to Sunday dinners at your Grandmother’s, you can understand the scientific explanation for this.

If you would like to see the new essential oil car diffuser product range from Smiley Daisy, take a look.