
The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Elderly People with Dementia

The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Elderly People with Dementia

The Benefits of Aromatherapy for Elderly People with Dementia

According to research, aromatherapy using rosemary, lavender, chamomile and other essential oils can offer temporary relief for emotional disturbances and anxiety among elderly adults with dementia. The use of essential oils is part of a comprehensive approach to medical treatment. These natural oils can be massaged directly onto the skin or inhaled using an essential oils diffuser to improve cognitive function and ease agitation in elderly people.

If you want to incorporate aromatherapy using essential oil diffusers in your care plan for elderly people with dementia, you need to consult a medical professional first about the possible side effects of this treatment method.

Dementia and Aromatherapy

There are a number of symptoms of dementia in elderly adults, including mood changes, behavioral disturbances, loss of cognitive function, and agitation. Aromatherapy, or the use of oil extracts from plants, offers soothing sensory stimulation that can relieve boredom and agitation among older people with dementia. Also, restoring their sense of calm can improve their quality of life, and also reduce stress on the people giving them care.

Aromatherapy and Improved Cognitive Function

Researchers have repeatedly emphasized that inhaling essential oils directly or with the use of an essential oils diffuser can trigger one’s smell receptors, which then stimulates the amygdala and the hippocampus. These are the areas of the brain that controls our memory, mental health, and emotional responses. With the number of studies conducted to prove this effect of aromatherapy on older people, it is concluded that aromatherapy is indeed safe and effective for relieving symptoms of dementia.

Aromatherapy and Anxiety Reduction

Hand massage and aromatherapy is a combination that is believed to have great effects on elderly people with dementia particularly in terms of relieving anxiety. According to experts, the best essential oils to use for hand massages are lemon, lavender, orange, rosemary and chamomile. Ideally, a hand massage is given 3 times a week. Studies show that this can help reduce anxiety and can also result in improved self-esteem among the elderly with dementia.

Considerations When Using Aromatherapy for People with Dementia

Before including aromatherapy into your care plan for an elderly person with dementia, a caregiver has to learn about the other possible causes of their behavioral disturbances. While using aromatherapy is effective for reducing anxiety and sharpening an elderly person’s cognitive function, caregivers should still consider other factors to determine what could be the best treatment for dementia symptoms.

It should be remembered that some plant extracts may cause adverse reactions in some elderly patients. Thus, consulting a healthcare professional is a must. Make sure also that you use the best essential oil diffuser from Smiley Daisy to take advantage of the health benefits of aromatherapy with essential oils.