
The Benefits of Getting a Car Diffuser for Essential Oils

The Benefits of Getting a Car Diffuser for Essential Oils

The Benefits of Getting a Car Diffuser for Essential Oils

An essential oil car diffuser is a must buy especially for those always on the road. Essential oil therapy provides a lot of benefits for good health. Just imagine getting stuck in traffic for hours and hours. All that recycled air-conditioned air won’t be good for you and your family. Here are the benefits of getting an essential oil diffuser for your car.

Get rid of Stress from Traffic

Certain essential oils are good for relieving stress. Aromatherapy is a well-studied homeopathic procedure and can do wonders for traffic after a heavy work day. These are the essentials oils you need in your car diffuser to ward off stress.

  • Spruce oil – A great oil that helps reduce emotional blocks. It also promotes a sense of balance with your emotions. The herb smell also heightens your senses which makes it great for driving.
  • Tangerine oil – This oil helps relieves anxiety and lowers nervousness. Great for those who just had a very tense office meeting. Also has a citrus scent coming from the diffused ascorbic acid found in most citrus fruits.
  • Lemon oil – It’s not just for lemonade, lemon oil has a very pleasing smell. It helps relieve stress because of the citrusy scent and evokes happy memories of childhood when things were simple, and you enjoyed summer days with a cool glass of lemonade.
  • Nutmeg – A very powerful oil that boosts your adrenaline glands and energy. Helps keep you awake during a long trip. It’s so powerful that you only need 1 drop of oil in the car diffuser.

Wake-up Oils for Work and School

Going to work doesn’t have to be a drag. Caffeine is a wonderful stimulant, but it does have a lot of side-effects. The next batch of oils is great for the morning rush. A few drops in your essential oil car diffuser and you’re good to go!

  • Basil oil – Has mood enhancing properties. Basil oil can wake your brain up making you a lot more productive.
  • Rosemary oil – The intense scent of this oil is more than enough to perk you up. However, it also has a few more benefits aside from its aroma. Rosemary has been used by Greeks to help them in studying. The oil improves brain power which could be a good oil if you’re on your way to work. Your kids will benefit from this oil too as you drive them to school.
  • Sandalwood oil – Another great oil for boosting mental power. It improves mental clarity and lengthens attention span. Several studies have shown its positive mental effects.

Better Smelling Car

Now, this goes for all the oils out there. Your car diffuser essential oil is a better alternative to commercial car scents. Some fragrance diffuser out there uses chemicals which are bad for your health. Especially the ones that come in a semi-solid form that sublimates into the air. Just imagine those particles settling in your lungs. Avoid inorganic car fragrances and go for the healthier option with essential oils.

Can’t find the car diffuser you need? SmileyDaisy has everything you need. Browse high-quality oils and diffusers and have them delivered to your home. Drive healthier and safer!