
Top 5 Healing Essential Oils

Top 5 Healing Essential Oils

Wellness Through Aromatherapy

Smell Your Way To Good Health

One of the must haves for every medicine cabinet out there is essential oils. These goodies are known to have great antibacterial and antiviral properties. For thousands of years, the use of essential oils has been greatly beneficial to health. It works by supporting various body functions so that the body heals better and faster.

Essential oils are different from fragrance oils. Unlike the latter, essential oils are naturally produced using plants. Fragrance oils are usually a concoction of different oils or other solvents. Essential oils come from different parts of a plant –  roots, bark, leaves and even flowers. It is easily inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Nowadays, there are various ways to introduce essential oils into the body, which includes skin application, adding to bath water, and aromatherapy (using an essential oil diffuser).

Since the ancient times, essential oils have been used for various health purposes. Faster healing processes are one of the best rewards when using these oils.


Lavender has multitudes of health benefits which includes calming effects. It is also used to cure minor burns. Lavender has a sweet and floral smell which has been proven to calm the central nervous system. This is why lavender is a good choice to reduce anxiety, depression, irritability, and stress. Lavender is also great for healing bruises and stretch marks.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known to have powerful antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial properties. It is one of the best oils to be used to treat fungal infections, warts, dandruff, acne, and insect bites. It is also known to be a great remedy for various respiratory ailments. Adding a drop or two to your essential oil diffuser can help relieve phlegm congestion at any time. Surprisingly, tea tree oil is also a great natural all-purpose cleanser.


Peppermint produces a well-known and well-loved minty smell. It has a wonderful cooling effect that helps improve fevers. Peppermint smell is also a great way for pregnant women to combat morning sickness as it is proven to cure nausea. According to an expert in aromatherapy, one drop of peppermint oil is equivalent to 28 cups of herbal tea! It helps improve focus, reduce stress, and fight exhaustion.


Frankincense is considered the king of oils and for a good reason. It is used in many religious ceremonies in areas where it is widely available. This one-of-a-kind oil has been around since 7,000 BC and has been proven to fight various diseases. Frankincense is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, helping reduce symptoms of arthritis. It is known to improve resistance against several diseases. Frankincense is so potent that there are studies conducted to know more of its ability to kill cancer cells.