
Use Essential Oils as Car Air Freshener to Make Daily Commuting Pleasing

Use Essential Oils as Car Air Freshener to Make Daily Commuting Pleasing

Use Essential Oils as Car Air Freshener to Make Daily Commuting Pleasing

According to a Harvard Health Watch Survey, people spend at least 1 hour and a half each day commuting to and from work. More than one’s job, driving is in itself, a stressful activity. And, if you go home during peak hours, you will find yourself stuck in traffic, hungry, angry, and easily irritated. Instead of waiting idly until the car in front of you budges, you can try making the waiting hours more relaxing and invigorating.

There are many wondrous effects that aromatherapy oils has to offer. It can help bring down stress levels, and it can also increase your mental alertness, giving you more focus which you really need when you drive. This means, not only is aromatherapy sessions with the use of your favourite car air freshener make you safer while you drive, it also makes it safer for others too.

Smells Affect Your Mood and Your Performance

According to a study performed by a psychology professor at Brown University, smells affect our mood based on our previous experience with it. We associate a scent with the emotional experience we had when we first encountered it.

This, however, is not the case with essential oils used for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy experts say that our response to essential oils are not associated with our previous experience with it. This is because concentrated plant essences contain volatile bioactive substances that have specific physiological actions. When they get dispersed into the air and reach our respiratory system, they quickly get absorbed into the bloodstream. Thus, not only do they affect our mind and mood, but they also affect our physiological state.

What Essential Oils You Need When You Drive

When you choose a scent for your car, it should be a long lasting car air freshener. Here are some essential oils you would want to have within reach when you drive:

Lemon – The citrus smell is both energizing and invigorating. It helps you feel less edgy when you sit down through lengthy traffic jams because it eases your anxiety and frustration.

Peppermint – This helps when you feel nauseous because it relaxes you and brings you into a calmer state of mind.

Sweet Orange – This oil can help relieve stress and fatigue that you probably feel after a day’s work. It helps you stay alert yet calm while you drive.

Coffee – Drinking coffee helps us feel alert and more focused, and so does smelling its essential oil. The smell of roasted coffee beans will perk you up, relieving your metal fatigue.