
Use Your Essential Oil Diffuser as a Humidifier and Enjoy 5 Benefits It Brings

Use Your Essential Oil Diffuser as a Humidifier and Enjoy 5 Benefits It Brings

Did you know that you can use your essential oil diffuser as a humidifier? Since many people today are all up for wellness and are using essential oils and aromatherapy, it is only apt that they should know their diffusers can act as humidifiers. Some essential oil users are ignorant of this fact, thus, they lose the many benefits that humidifiers offer.


Although not all diffusers can function as humidifiers, the ultrasonic diffuser certainly can. So, if you have this kind of diffuser for your aromatherapy, take advantage of its use so you can enjoy the many benefits it brings.

Essential Oil Diffusers as Humidifiers

Many people make use of diffusers for aromatherapy. It helps them maximize the effects of essential oils and they get to enjoy the wonderful scent these oils emit, acting as an air freshener.

But one thing most aromatherapists forget is that their diffuser can also be a humidifier with essential oil benefits. If you have an ultrasonic diffuser, you can definitely enjoy such benefits because this type uses water as a transference mechanism, thereby humidifying the air.

And when essential oils are being diffused in your ultrasonic diffuser, its humidifier function brings you many health benefits.

Benefits of Essential Oil Humidifier


  1. It can help prevent influenza. Air with humidity levels of 40% and above are effective in deactivating the influenza virus and other microorganisms. This makes them less infectious, helping to prevent respiratory diseases like influenza.
  2. It can help make cough productive. With dry air, persons with respiratory problems can also have dry cough. And it is nearly impossible to get rid of phlegm because of this. Adding humidity to the air, with the help of a humidifier, makes phlegm softer and easily removed by coughing, thereby giving relief.
  3. It reduces the symptoms of allergy and asthma. Having dry sinuses makes people susceptible to allergies and other respiratory problems. By making use of a humidifier, the air gets enough moisture which gets rid of dry sinuses, as well as the problems it brings.
  4. It helps make the skin and hair moist and soft. Dry skin and hair can be a problem in winter, when heating devices are in full use. When this happens, using the humidifier along with heating units is advisable to dryness can be reduced.
  5. It lessens snoring. A dry airway is one reason why people snore. When the air has a higher humidity level, this problem can be addressed.

These benefits come from the action of humidifiers which is adding moisture into the air. Because of this, people suffering from dry skin and respiratory problems, among others, are greatly relieved.

So, do make sure you take full advantage of your diffuser and enjoy its essential oil humidifier benefits.

Get your essential oil humidifier or diffuser from Smiley Daisy now so you can experience the benefits they bring. Visit Smiley Daisy today!