
Using Aromatherapy with Essence Oils for your Cats

Using Aromatherapy with Essence Oils for your Cats

Using Aromatherapy with Essence Oils for your Cats

Aromatherapy with essence oils from plants and flowers are proven to be effective natural alternative medicine to us humans. It has therapeutic benefits to our mind, body and spirit. And pet owners are ready to explore this alternative when it comes to their feline friends. However, extreme care must be used with this since animals are wired very differently from us.

Important Points to Consider in Cat Aromatherapy

Great caution must be exercised with the use of aromatherapy in your pet cats because the oils used in this alternative medicine can be toxic to them.

·         Safety

Safety must be your priority when it comes to new methods used on your furry pet. Remember that aromatherapy diffuser oils should not be applied directly on your skin. The same goes for your cats. They are not able to metabolize these oils and can cause liver damage. Improper use of aromatherapy can cause buildup of essential oils in your cat’s body. This will lead to nausea and lethargy which can later on cause more serious and dangerous situations. Essential oils can be used on your pet cats according to some aromatherapists as long as you only use 1% of the product on them.

·         Safe Method

Pet aromatherapists go for a safer method in aromatherapy rather than using essential oils. This method is the use of hydrosols. Hydrosols are the leftover steam with water soluble parts that result from the distillation process of essential oils. Your pet cat can tolerate this product because of its lesser level of plant extracts and its milder scent. You can spray hydrosols in your pet’s environment as long as you provide an escape route in case your pet doesn’t like it. This can help calm your furball and prevent flea and tick infestation.

·         Safe Oils

Lavender and Roman Chamomile are safe calming and soothing essences for your cats. It can also help keep your cat free from rashes.

The blend of Rose, Neroli and Lavender can make a calming, delightful scent than is beneficial to your cat.

·         Oils to avoid

Basil, Clove, Oregano, Tea Tree and Tarragon are commonly available essential oils that must be avoided when using for your cats. These oils are considered toxic to them.

Essential oils, diffuser for essential oils and hydrosols are readily available from aromatherapy companies like Smiley Daisy. In using these products on your pets, only avail from the reputable companies with excellent and quality products.

Check out Smiley Daisy and choose your quality item.